
  • 喜剧
  • 山田雅史山崎一 金静华 刘荷娜
  • 72分钟
  • Ryo, the lead singer of a band scheduled to perfor…Ryo, the lead singer of a band scheduled to perform in Seoul, is terrified of airplanes. So after sending the rest of the band off, he decides to take a taxi from Tokyo to Seoul. The road to Seoul is a non-stop series of surprises; When his Japanese taxi arrives in Busan, the local taxi drivers are surprised and try to race them; they getR30;Ryo, the lead singer of a band scheduled to perform in Seoul, is terrified of airplanes. So after sending the rest of the band off, he decides to take a taxi from Tokyo to Seoul. The road to Seoul is a non-stop series of surprises; When his Japanese taxi arrives in Busan, the local taxi drivers are surprised and try to race them; they get swept into the middle of training for the reserve forces; also meet strange people along the way. Ryo finally arrives in Seoul only to find that the concert had been canceled and his colleagues had already returned to Japan. His taxi gone, how will Ryo return home?   Director Kim Tai-sik makes the taxi a central prop in his film, as he did in his previous film, [Driving with My Wife’s Lover]. It has become a trademark of Kim Tai-sik’s, and will inspire the audience to speculate its next move.


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